Watch Party, Sunday, August 9 — Suppressed: The Fight to Vote

Western’s Mission Ministry Team is sponsoring a watch party for this film immediately after church.

This short 38 minute film powerfully shows how voter suppression tactics can effect elections on the ground. The film exposes rampant voter suppression that affected the outcome of the 2018 midterm election in Georgia and is a cautionary tale for 2020. The close vote in the GA Governor’s race between Brian Kemp and Stacey Abrams was national story at the time.

After the viewing, we will have a discussion of ways that Western members can help fight against voter suppression and work for voting rights by encouraging voter registration and voting. There are national, non-partisan initiatives doing this work; work which volunteers can do at home.

Voting rights are at the heart of the American democracy. Restrictive voting requirements target minorities and people of color disproportionately and many are impacted. Every citizen has the right to vote and attention to this right is needed now. We can all pitch in to make a difference.

Mission Ministry Team


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